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How is our Talent as a Service structured?

Our TaaS service aids companies in constructing an efficient and dependable team customized to their requirements. This is achieved through our distinctive talent management approach, centered on maximizing individuals’ potential, and through our collaborative partnerships with clients.

Talent-as-a-Service begins with Talent Acquisition

Talent acquisition

The first stage of cooperation is a talent acquisition service, during which we will find the best-fit candidates that meet the needs of your company

Cultural & Tech
Verification and Matching

We realize that employees are not only about technical skills. The basis of a well-functioning team is also cultural fit, soft skills and interpersonal skills of candidates. We make sure that both areas – technical and cultural – are at the highest possible level and consistent with your company.

needs analysis

In addition to the guidelines received regarding the recruitment requirement, we also conduct interviews and analysis of the needs of all stakeholders: engineers, C-level and VP-level, to better understand who the company is looking for.

Technical people involved in the entire recruitment process

Our recruitment process, from beginning to end, involves both HR people and technical people who are able to effectively verify the experience and knowledge of candidates.

Candidate’s video
pitch deck solution

Together with the candidates, we prepare and send a video pitch deck in which the candidate talks about himself. Your company can get to know a potential new employee better.

& Headhunting

We have our own Talent Pool, and we effectively acquire candidates from the market – Poland has outstanding IT specialists, regardless of the seniority. The Polish market provides the best specialists.

We are not afraid of difficult recruitment cases

We can effectively recruit people who are difficult to find on the market or who require extensive experience. We help in the recruitment of: leaders, managers and senior profiles.

Talent Management & Account Management

We support your company in building an effective and reliable team tailored to your needs through our unique talent & account management focused on maximizing people’s potential.

14-days trial

Talent Management

Consultant Performance Monitoring

Within our organization, we have established an internal leadership forum dedicated to the continuous monitoring of employees’ results and performance. This forum operates in real time, allowing us to promptly respond to potential issues such as a decline in performance or interpersonal challenges.

Through this proactive approach, we foster an environment that emphasizes ongoing support and ensures the well-being and effectiveness of our team members. The forum serves as a platform for open communication, enabling us to address any concerns promptly and implement timely interventions to maintain a positive and collaborative workplace culture.

 & Education

We prioritize the continuous development of our employees and the enhancement of their skills. As part of our commitment to professional growth, we provide a Yearly Training Budget to each team member. Additionally, we’ve established an Inhouse DevOps Community, a Tech Forum, and various communication channels dedicated to technology-related discussions.

Our Internal Trainings further contribute to skill-building, providing employees with valuable resources to enhance their expertise. We encourage and empower our team members to freely utilize these resources, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and supporting their journey towards excellence in their respective roles.

Leadership & Self Growth Programs

Within our Talent as a Service (TaaS), we go beyond recruitment by providing supplementary training and support for leaders within the organization. This includes targeted programs designed to promote self-development among our engineers. Recognizing the significance of knowledge-sharing, we incentivize our team members with bonuses for actively contributing and disseminating their expertise.

Our holistic approach to talent management ensures that not only are we adept at assembling high-caliber teams, but we are also dedicated to nurturing continuous growth and fostering a collaborative culture that thrives on shared knowledge and individual development.

Consultant quarterly & yearly performance review

Furthermore, this assessment process is intricately linked to our commitment to customer satisfaction, as reflected in our Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys.

By aligning candidate reviews with these key customer feedback mechanisms, we ensure a continuous feedback loop that not only enhances the overall quality of our services but also reinforces our dedication to delivering exceptional customer experiences through the talent we provide.

14-days trial

Account Management

Continuous Async Communication

Maintaining seamless communication with our clients is a cornerstone of our approach. To facilitate this, we establish a collaborative channel on platforms such as Teams or Slack, fostering a shared space for real-time interaction. Within this joint channel, we actively share updates, team-building photos, and other relevant information, creating a dynamic and transparent environment.

This platform not only serves as a conduit for sharing important news but also allows for the prompt addressing of immediate requests. The joint channel becomes a central hub for collaboration, ensuring that both our team and our clients are well-informed, engaged, and responsive to the evolving needs of projects. It exemplifies our commitment to open communication and reinforces a sense of partnership and camaraderie in our collaborative endeavors.

Onsite workshop

Biannually, we organize enriching trips for employees to visit your company’s headquarters. This initiative is designed to foster a deeper sense of collaboration by providing an opportunity for our team to work together on-site. Beyond the professional setting, these trips aim to strengthen interpersonal bonds, allowing team members to get to know each other on a personal level.

The itinerary not only includes collaborative work sessions but also incorporates dedicated time for team-building activities, creating a conducive environment for meaningful interactions. The immersive experience extends beyond the workplace, providing occasions for shared leisure and socializing outside of the usual work context.

These biannual trips serve as a catalyst for building a strong sense of unity and camaraderie within our team, reinforcing the idea that a supportive and connected work culture is integral to our collective success.

NPS & CSAT customer satisfaction survey

Quarterly, we initiate a comprehensive survey involving decision-makers and individuals directly collaborating with our consultants. This survey aims to gather expansive feedback, encompassing diverse perspectives on the consultants’ performance. The insights obtained serve as a pivotal component in the quarterly and yearly performance reviews for our consultants.

This feedback collection process is designed to be thorough and inclusive, ensuring a holistic understanding of the consultants’ impact on projects and relationships. By actively seeking input from decision-makers and close collaborators, we not only enrich the performance review process but also enhance our consultants’ professional development by incorporating valuable insights from those directly involved in their work. This iterative feedback loop contributes to the continuous improvement and refinement of our consulting services.

Why Relout is the Smart Choice Over Other Companies?

Other Staffing Companies

Relout TaaS

Intro and Candidate Verification
Full Introduction & Interview for the project
Needs Analysis
Basic (body lease)
Multi-level (Business + Tech + HR)
None/Provided by client
Provided by Relout
HR Care
Advanced: 360 Review
Development program
Individual and leadership programs
Staff Training
Training budget provided by Relout
Reporting and Sync with the Customer
Full transparency and continuous, asynchronous communication
HR Benefits
Relout Fun/Health
Consultant Development
Conferences, Trainings, Workshops, Education Budgets, DevOps Community
Leadership & Motivational
Relout Leadership Forum
Integration into the Client's Organizational Culture
Relout WellBeing + Talent Management
On-site trips to the client
2x per year, costs covered by Relout (within EU)
Meetups & Team Integrations
Meetups 2x per year, Onsite 1x per month
Feedback & Performance Review
Relout 360 Review (Monthly/Quarterly)
14-day trial period + replacement + offboarding

Success Stories

Strategic Nearshoring for Digital Restaurant Solutions Company

Leeroy Group – Swedish SaaS for Restaurants requested for support on DevOps and Backend Engineering. Over time we became a strategic nearshoring and key technology partner

Recruitment of Lead PHP Developer for a marketing agency

How Relout successfully recruited a Lead PHP Developer for a marketing agency, and the methodology behind this.

Talent as a Service for the IoT enterprise: SRE and Fullstack Development

The company’s goal was to source new talent quickly to keep pace with market demands. However, their in-house HR department faced challenges in achieving the necessary speed and they turned to Relout for help.

What do our customers say about us?

“They are always quick to address any issues and provide prompt solutions to ensure the project stays on track.”

Relout has delivered the software on time. The client commends the vendor’s attentiveness, responsiveness, customer-centric approach, and commitment to meeting the project deadlines. They also praise the vendor’s efficient project management and communication via email and messaging apps.

CEO, CRM Consulting Firm

“Their willingness to share know-how and to produce results with high quality in a very professional way was impressive.”

Thanks to Relout’s help, the client now has full control of their AWS resources and accounts, which reduced the AWS cost by 40% and continues to do so. The team was helpful throughout, and their unselfish advocacy in sharing their expertise impressed the client.

Former CTO, SaaS Company
Robert Olsson


“They constantly work to improve processes.”

Relout has delivered valuable backend software features for the client’s business. The team is dedicated and responds quickly to the client’s needs, focusing on business value. Relout’s team is creative and never gives up despite difficulties, delivering work on time each sprint.

R&D Manager, Farming

“They were great, especially at delivering results without specific instructions.”

Relout helped the client reduce costs by 50% in six months. Relout’s creativity, knowledge, and ability to merge with the client’s team stood out. The prompt team was dedicated to the project’s success. They communicated daily via Slack or Google Meet and managed the project meticulously in Jira.

Former CTO, Leeroy
Pablo Santiago

“The team delivered on time on every stage.”

Thanks to the efforts of the Relout team, the company has reduced downtime and increased performance. They have communicated regularly, ensuring an effective workflow. The client has appreciated the team’s expertise and ability to deliver on time.

Managing Director, J15 Digital
Adam Romanowski


Our mission is to connect best-in-class, passionate engineers with fast-growing digital & technology companies.

Gerard Stańczak


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